SPACE - Library 2 - Volume 1.iso
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* TLC Address Book *
* by Tom Hayslett *
Version 2.01, 30 November 1991
New additions to 2.01 are marked with *** for easy identification.
So why another address book? Seems there are multitudes of them already
written to cover just about every preference anyone could have. Well, none
of the existing ones would work exactly the way my wife wanted it to so she
designed this one and commissioned me to program it for her! This one is
different folks, it contains two actual databases of names and addresses,
not one. The first portion is pretty much the standard address book type
offering all the normal (maybe a few more) features found in most of the
others. It's extremely fast in all operations, even if you have all 500
address slots full. Sorting, searching, saving and loading have all been
optimized about as fast as I can get them. So what's the second section?
Well, it's really a 'date reminder' section, hence the name 'Date Minder'.
It stores by month names and addresses of those with birthdays,
anniversaries or other special occasions that occur during the month. My
wife was tired of trying to squeeze all the families childrens names and
dates onto a comment line or two so this section was her specialty.
Printouts will print by month in date sequence with or without addresses and
you can even print mailing labels for all those with special dates for that
month (or all months at once!). Entering data for a family is simple as all
the relevant items need not be entered again, just click on the calendars to
set the dates, change the first name and add a remark if you want.
Let me move on now to the actual operation of the program, I would
recommend that you load the program to work 'along' with these instructions.
The disk should contain the following:
TLC_BOOK.PRG - the actual program
TLC_BOOK.DOC - this document file
TLC_BOOK.DAT - sample address file - OPTIONAL
TLC_BOOK.CFG - sample printer configuration file - OPTIONAL
That's it! The resource file ('.RSC') is embedded within the program. I
hate having many data and support files on a disk so all TLC programs have
the resource file in the program itself. Double click on the program file so
you can view it while reading these instructions. For those of you that
don't read these files, the program is fairly self explanatory, fire away...
While loading, the program first looks for a file named 'TLC_BOOK.CFG'.
This is a printer configuration file that will load as the default anytime
you start the program. It must be in the same directory as the program (this
file is optional, it'll load it if you have it). Then the program looks for
'TLC_BOOK.DAT' as a default data (address) file to load. If you save your
file as this filename and keep it in the same directory (or subdirectory)
with the program, it will automatically be loaded each time you enter the
program again, this is optional). The opening screen is the address book
portion and is a normal GEM dialog box. You have 11 fields of information
you can enter, Last Name (up to 20 characters), First Name (20 chars),
Address 1 (51 chars), Address 2 (51 chars), City (20 chars), State (2
chars), ***Zip Code (10 chars) and ***Phone Number (30 chars). In addition,
3 comment lines are available with up to 63 characters each. The 'TAB' key
will move from one field to the next or you may just point and click with
the mouse to move the cursor to any field you wish. You may also use the
cursor control keys (up and down arrows) to move between fields. *** Both
the TAB key and the up and down arrow keys will wrap from the top or bottom
of a record to the top or bottom when in the first or last field. Clicking
on the 'TLC' icon (*** or pressing Alt T), in the upper left hand corner
reveals info about the program. Editing is via the normal GEM modes, you may
move the cursor with the arrow keys, use backspace or delete to remove
characters or press the escape key to clear the entire line. ***Both the
Return and Enter keys will advance to the next field or if you're in the
last field of a record, they will advance to the next record. ***Clear home
will always move to the first field of a record. Any additions or changes to
the address shown will be kept when you leave this record (record number is
displayed under the title as 'Record 007 of 235'). It is always in 'EDIT'
mode to make changing any data easy.
These are divided into 3 main groups, file options, record options
and print options.
1. File Options
File options are standard, 'Load' will allow you to load a data
file of any name by presenting the standard GEM file selector.
'Save' works the same way, a file selector is presented allowing
you to choose the name to save your file as. The program checks
the disk you selected to ensure there's enough free room to save
the file, if not, an alert will inform you. If the file exists,
you will be offered 3 choices. You may abort saving, ignore the
name conflict (which overwrites the original file) or have the
original renamed with a '.BAK' file extension. This is a safety
feature so you don't accidentally lose a good file. Remember that
naming your file 'TLC_BOOK.DAT' makes it a default file that will
load during program initialization. 'Erase' presents a file
selector allowing you to choose a disk file to delete. ***You will
be asked to confirm the deletion only if you have the warnings
option turned on. 'New' allows deleting all data currently in
memory so you can start a new file. Again, confirmation is
requested unless you have warnings turned off.
2. Record Options
Most of these are self explanatory but just in case I'll go over
them. 'First' takes you to the first (number 1) record in your
file. 'Last' does just the opposite, it takes you to the last
record in your file. 'Next' will only be available when there are
records after the current record your on and it will advance to
the next record. Likewise, 'Previous' will only be available when
there are records preceding the current record you're on. 'Add' is
only available when you have less than the maximum of 500 records
in your file and it can be chosen from anywhere regardless of the
record you're currently on. It will automatically go to the last
record +1 for you to enter new data. 'Delete' deletes the record
currently shown on screen and resequences the remaining addresses.
'Sort' offers a dialog box that lets you choose what field you
want the file sorted on (Last Name, First Name, Address 1, Address
2, City, State, Zip Code or Phone Number). 'Search' offers a small
dialog box allowing you to enter ANY search string (you may choose
whether the search is 'case sensitive' or not by clicking the
appropriate button). The search begins from the record AFTER the
one currently displayed on screen and goes through the last
record. This is done very quickly and you may enter letters or
numbers to search for. ***The search begins by EITHER pressing
'RETURN', selecting Alternate S (^S) or clicking on the search
button. You will be shown the current record being searched.
3. Print Options
There are two options here, Print and Configure. Selecting either
will take you to another screen that will be explained later.
4. Other Options
Five other options exist, the first being 'Information'. This one
is easy, selected it shows you how many address records you have
in memory, how many date records, the amount of memory used by the
program to store the records you have entered and available RAM.
***Next is the 'Warnings' option. If you select this, you will be
shown alert boxes warning of the consequences before you do
anything that might destroy your file in memory. With this turned
off, you are NOT warned (i.e. the 'Undo' key will take you
directly to the desktop). This caters to both expert and novice
users. The next option is to 'Enter Dates' which takes you to the
'Date Minder Data' section (B), another is 'Date Minder' which
takes you to the "Date Minder' section (C). Both of these options
let you choose to turn the 'Dates' feature on or off. If you turn
dates on, you will enter that section and carry the current date
as set in your STs memory. With the dates turned off, you go to
the default settings. The last option is 'Desktop' which obviously
exits the program.
***** WARNING *****
Without warnings turned on, clicking on this box or pressing the
UNDO key will take you directly to the desktop. If in doubt, turn
warnings on. Be sure you have saved your file if you made any
changes to it!
This section can be entered from either the address book or the date
minder. If you select 'Enter dates' from the address book you'll come to
this section with all relevant fields reflecting data from the address
record you were on (i.e. last name, first name, address 1, address 2, city,
state and zip code). ***If you had the dates option turned on, the date will
reflect the current date in your STs memory (day, month, and year). With the
dates option turned off, the date defaults to Jan 01, 1900. Moving through
the name and address fields is the same as with the address book. If you
want to change a field (for example, the first name), tab to that field (or
point and click), press the escape key and enter the relevant data.
1. Date Record Options
Three large boxes appear across the top of the form labeled
"Anniversary", Birthday" and "Other". These are toggle boxes,
clicking on one (*** or using the appropriate keystroke) deselects
the others. There are three miniature calendars across the bottom
left hand side of the screen, the first is for the month. Simply
click on the relevant month and the date in the upper section will
change to reflect your choice. Next is the day calendar numbered
(oddly enough), 1 - 31. Click on the day you want to save with the
date record. Next is the year box, the first two positions are
'19' (you're out of luck if you have any friends or relatives born
in the 1800's), there are two options to complete the year. First
is the decade (third position of the year) and second is the year
(fourth position of the year). All clicks will reflect your choice
in the date in the upper section. The 'Date record' number is also
shown at the top as well as the total number of date records.
That's it!
2. Other Options
The only three other options at this point are one, 'Add More'
which goes to the next available record and keeps all the
information you have on screen except the remarks. This happens
VERY quickly so watch the record number. This is used to enter
multiple dates or occasions for certain people (i.e. you may want
to enter both a Birthday AND Anniversary date for a certain
someone special, know what I mean Verne?). Second option is
'Delete' which will delete the entry shown on screen. If it's the
last entry in the Date record section, the fields will be blanked
out but if there are date records after it (see section C), all
records are moved down 1 position. The third option is simply
'Return'. This will store the info you have on screen and then
return to either the address book or Date Minder, depending on
where you entered this section from. At this time, all the date
data you entered or changed will be stored and sorted in month
sequence. A dialog box always appears to inform you of the action
the program is taking.
When entering this section, all dates you have entered for the month of
January (***or with the 'dates' option selected, the current month as set in
your ST) will be shown listed in day sequence (i.e. 11, 14, 23, etc). Across
the top of the screen the fields being shown are detailed. DD/MM/YY is the
sequence the date is shown in. The title '?' will have an 'A' for
anniversary, 'B' for birthday or 'O' for other. Of course the names are
shown, listed as first name then last name. The remarks field is also shown
after the name. To edit any of the data shown, just point to the record you
want to edit and click on it. You will be taken to section B and all data
pertaining to that record will be shown (i.e. name, addresses, dates, type,
etc.). At the top is the actual date record number you're working on. All
functions here operate just the same, if you change anything it is kept when
you click on 'Return' which returns you to the Date Minder section. If you
delete this record, the record number following it will be shown. If you
change the date, the record will move to the new month as applicable when
you return to the Date Minder section.
1. Date Record Options
The bottom left hand corner displays a calendar of months, to view
a different month simply click on the one you want to see. If
there are more date entries for that month than can be shown on
one screen, the 'Next page' and 'Back page' buttons will be
active. The 'New entry' button takes you to the Date Minder Data
section (B) with all fields blanked out. You may enter Date
records without having a corresponding address record entry. The
two sections can be totally separate.
2. Print Options
This works just like the print options in the address book
section. The buttons 'Print' and 'Configure' take you to their
respective screens for further action.
3. Other Options
Two other buttons exist, one to return to the address book and one
to exit to the desktop. ***Like the main screen, if you have
warnings activated, a warning exists for exiting the program.
This screen has 9 text fields, the first is strictly a comment line
that will be displayed after you load the configuration file. For example,
you may have two printers and entering a note here will remind you which the
program is set for. The next 4 fields are for entering printer control
codes. Time to dig out the printer manual and look up the decimal codes for
your printer. They are usually two digits with the first being '27'. Enter
the decimal codes in the spaces provided, separated by a comma with NO
spaces in between. For example, thew standard codes for BOLD print are
27,69. That's exactly how you'd enter them on that line, just as the default
shows. I should mention here that these codes are optional, the program is
set to work with any 'Epson compatible' as a default. Going to this screen
will show you the default codes and allow you to edit them. The next
editable field is the 'Button text' field. You may enter a descriptor for
the special type of text you set (i.e. enter Script) and that text will be
shown in the Style button on the print screen. ***The next field is for
entering the number of lines per page. The default is 60 and is what you
need for 8 1/2 x 11 size paper. You may reset this if you're trying to print
a different page size.
The next 2 fields only apply to mailing labels. Number of spaces allows
you to set the number of blank spaces from the left your printer will leave
when printing labels. The second number is the total number of lines per
label. The standard American size labels should be set for 5, this allows
proper spacing in between. British labels are a different size and 8 prints
them fine. Either of these numbers can be set at any number up to 99 which
allows you to print any size of labels. *** Version 1.52 change
There are three buttons at the bottom of this page, Load Config File
allows you to load a different configuration file (in case you have multiple
printers or multiple styles) and Save Config File which allows you to save
to disk any modifications you made. The Exit button is just that, it returns
you to the spot you left. Any changes you made will be good for the current
session but you must save them to disk to be able to use them later. In
addition to saving your printers settings, saving a configuration file also
saves your settings for 'Dates' and 'Warnings'. Be sure you have them set to
your preference before saving the configuration file.
This screen has many options available, listed below are the different
headings and what the buttons in each group do.
A. Print Which?
This allows you to select printing the addresses, dates or both.
B. Style
Lets you choose Draft, Bold (or whatever style you set bold to in
your configuration) or condensed.
C. Page Size
Let's you choose from 3 different page sizes, 8" x 10" (normal
size), 3.5" x 6" (Mini compressed) or 3.75" x 6.75" (Mini
compressed). ***If you set the number of lines to other than 60,
use the 8" x 10" setting. The number of lines you set will
override the page size.
*** NOTE : The small page sizes are disabled until you set the
'Style' to condensed.
D. Type
Lets you choose between 'Page' or 'Labels'.
*** NOTE : Setting the page size has no effect when you elect to
print labels. They will print in bold or condensed with the number
of lines set in the configuration file.
E. Print
Select 'All' or 'One'. This pertains to addresses only. Selecting
'One' will still give you the option of printing the address you
were on or printing multiple copies of one address (a great way to
print your own 'RETURN' address labels).
F. Duplicate Names?
Select either 'Don't Stop' or 'Stop'. This one was for Chris.
Selecting 'Stop' will stop printing when it finds a duplicate
name. Both the first and last names must match exactly for the
program to stop. It will stop on the duplicate, show it to you
and give you 3 options, Abort to abort all printing, Print it to
print the entry shown or Skip it to continue printing with the
next address or label.
*** NOTE : This only works with addresses, NOT with dates. I have
tons of duplicate entries in my Date Minder section, some for
birthdays, some for anniversaries, etc. You shouldn't need it to
stop on duplicates here.
G. Date Minder Options
These only effect the printing of dates. All Months prints
everything in the Date Minder section from January to December and
This Month will only print the month you were on when you selected
'Print' (The current month is displayed just above these options).
You may also choose to print the date data with or without
addresses here. Why print pages by month? These are handy to store
in the front of your address book. You can see at a glance who has
a birthday, anniversary, etc, coming up. My wife uses these pages
to carry to the local Hallmark shop when she buys cards for the
occasions. 'Labels' is easy to understand, mailing labels for that
months events are printed saving you the effort of hand addressing
all the cards.a for giving me the idea to add this.
*** NOTE : If you go to the Print Screen from the address book and
choose to print dates for 'This Month', the program will print the
month you were last in (or January) if you haven't gone to the
Date Minder section yet.
H. Other Options
Load Config allows you to load a different printer configuration
file right from the print screen. Abort is simple, it leaves the
printing section without printing anything.
I. Print It!
This will print based on what you set all the options to.
Notes: At the top of the Print Screen, the comment you entered in your
printer configuration file will be shown. If you don't use a config file,
the comment will be Standard 'Epson' compatible codes. When you go to the
print screen, all your options will be as you last left them except for
Print Which?. It will default to addresses if you came from the address book
and dates if you selected Print from the Date Minder section.
I hope you've been looking at the screens while reading this, for some
reason things sound more complicated on paper than they really are. The
program is simple to use and most can master it in just a few minutes. The
real 'meat' of this program (i.e. why it's different than most), is the fact
that it stores the date section and address sections independent of one
another. If you have a relative with several children that you send birthday
cards to (I have a LOT of brothers with kids), just enter your relatives
name in the address book and choose 'Enter dates'. You can then edit the
first name of all their kids with the appropriate dates. Later, printing
labels is a snap! You can also enter certain 'card sending' holidays such as
Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Grandparents Day etc. Enter them as the first of
the applicable month but with comments reminding you what they are (please
see the sample data file, go to the months of May and June for an example of
I also use this program to track contributors. I enter the names and
addresses, dates they contributed and the version number they got. When
updates are ready, I can zip out labels to everyone. It also helps me track
when I deposited checks by entering those dates in the Date Minder section!
Another good use is to enter all the software companies you deal with
(including magazine subscriptions), the way Uncle moves me around I need
this to have all the relevant addresses readily available (and printing
labels too!).
At Christmas time, my wife prints labels on everyone entered in her
'Date Book' 8-), she never forgets who she's already sent cards to. If she
still has the label, she still needs to send a card. Her address book
doesn't get 'sloppy' after Christmas either with a bunch of penciled in
changes, she sits at the Mega and fixes them up.
It's also great for keeping track of users groups. You can
enter everyones names, addresses, and the dates their dues are up
for renewal. It makes printing labels for newsletters and such a
That should be good enough to give you a few ideas, it sure saves us
The program itself only occupies about 100K of your available
memory. It will store up to 500 addresses and up to 500 dates (***more are
available if you request it when contributing), with all information
pertaining to them. The program is written in GFA Basic version 3.5 (ST'e'
compatible) and should run on all versions of TOS. Large address books may
require 512K memory users to disable some desk accessories. There is no
minimum hardware requirement, it runs fine on a system with only one single
sided floppy drive as well as running great from any folder or partition on
a hard drive. It functions perfectly with the hordes of 'enhancements' I've
run it with (i. Turbo ST 1.8, Quick ST 2.1 and loads of AUTO folder
programs). As with all 'TLC' programs, it runs in either high or medium
resolution modes.
You have no idea how few people donate to us 'home brewed' programmers.
It certainly isn't enough to justify all this equipment! (Not to the boss
anyway). With enough support, programs such as this will continue to grow. I
will notify all contributors in the event of any major additions or bug
fixes. A $15 contribution gets you the latest version of not only this
program, but at least 6 other 'TLC' programs all personalized for you.
I hope you enjoy using this program and I look forward to
hearing from you soon...
American address German address
MSgt Tom Hayslett Tom Hayslett
HQ USAFE/FMF In den Langwiesen 22, Apt 1
PSC 2, Box 6195 6790 Landstuhl